
The Church

We run an organic concept of congregation according to scriptures such as Romans 12: 1-8, 1 Corinthians 12, 13, 14; Ephesians 4: 7-10, 11-16 and 1 Peter 4:10-11. For this reason, brethren serve in departments where their spiritual gift, talents, and other endowments.

  • Frontline Intercessors – Prayer warriors and Intercessors
  • Prophetic Team
  • Evangelism/ Go Ye Team
  • Pastoral Care Team
  • School of Life/GSOM Teaching Faculty
  • Global Missions Board
  • Youth & Now Generation Team
  • Children Department
  • Mission Central – all ministers meet every Friday for prayers, constant training and restating of the vision

The Frontline Intercessors

We are passionate about prayer and are blessed with Intercessors in 24/7 coverage of the days, weeks and months of the year. Your Prayer requests are welcome. The Prophetic Team works together with the Intercession, Prayer and Spiritual warfare teams.

Go Ye Team

We are also blessed with passion for Evangelism. Our Go Ye team is consistent in sharing the gospel every week. Beyond that the whole congregation is activated to see reconciliation of sinners with their heavenly Father as an integral part of why we are on this side of eternity.

We believe that as Christians and citizens of the Kingdom, we are better together. We also believe that the Lord requires ministries to support others with special skills blessed by the Father. Accordingly, we have undertaken a number of local and Regional Missions over the past several years to support our brethren and their ministries in: Oxford, Sheffield, Old Ham, Salford, Dorking, Barnet, Old Kent Road, Edmonton; Castlebar and Dublin in Republic of Ireland

Global Missions Board

In line with the mandate of Jesus in Matthew 24:14; Matthew 28:19-20 and Acts 1:8, we are passionate about world Missions, sponsoring missions to Europe, Africa, North America and Asia.

In line with Matthew 25:31-46 and James 2, we are also passionate about care of Orphans, Orphanages; Widows; widowhood organizations and support for ministers who though indigent are faithful serving the Lord in the frontlines. The Global Missions Board, one of the several Kingdom agencies we host is responsible for fulfilling this vision.

The Lord has imbued us with a strong sense of responsibility for the Persecuted Church – saints who suffer for their faith in some parts of the world.

The Overseers, Apostle George and Pastor Grace have been active in building up chapters of International Ministers Fellowship; Training Centres of Global School of Ministry and local congregations across UK, Ireland, Italy, France; Germany; India; Singapore, Malaysia; Nigeria; Liberia; Cameroun; Kenya; Uganda; Rwanda; Ethiopia; South Africa, Zambia, Botswana, Zimbabwe; Commonwealth of Dominica.

Youth Ministry

Here in Arise, we do not just believe that the Youth are the Next Generation, God has placed a burden on us to embrace the present ministry! Accordingly, twice a year at the minimum, we turn over the Sunday Service to the youths to minister to adults. Our Youth study alongside their parents and guardians in the main church. They are also assisted to organise camp outs and other events where spirit, soul and body are ministered to.

A Dynamic Church Service every Sunday

Our Sunday Service are for just 2 hours that are so engaging and impactful! Each service is preceded by an hour of Prayer by Ministers and Intercessors. Twice a month, the next item is either exhortations by Younger Ministers and brethren or School of Life which is a time the Congregation breaks into small groups for deeper study of the word in a life application context. Praise and Worship follows where saints can flow as Holy Spirit leads them. This is followed by Testimonies of the goodness of God given by those who wish. Ministers take turns to bring the Word or Message from the Lord for about 30 minutes. Announcements and Offerings follow. Thereafter, we have time for Body Ministry where the Ministers pray individually for the saints. Right after service, we share a community meal or snacks and drinks in what is called Fellowship of the table. We also celebrate birthdays of brethren.