Some principles based on the New Covenant undergird our ministry as policies and practices.
- Leadership is a privileged call to serve the saints, not be their bosses.
- Every believer is called to be a practical disciple of Jesus.
- Every disciple is called to function as a minister of the gospel.
- The Church should be an organism of activated body parts rather than a dry religious organisation.
- The Church should function as a School where people undergo the Teach, train, equip, activate, and release process rather than a theatre where dormant people come to watch performances of actors on stages.
- Women are called to ministry, just as their male brethren.
- The Youth and Next Generation are called to be disciples of Jesus and able ministers of the New Covenant, just as adults.
- Childhood is a precious asset that should be protected, invested in, and guided.
- Vulnerable members of the congregation such as children, the youth, aged persons, and others challenged with any form of disability deserve love and extra care. Nothing should be allowed to inflict psychological or physical pain on them.